
Laparoscopic Wertheims Surgery


Minimally invasive surgery especially laparoscopic surgery may be a better and safe option for surgical treatment of cervical cancer. The laparoscopic method is free from complications. However, this surgery involves minimal incision as compared to other surgeries. This type of laparoscopic procedure is used in the treatment of Gynecological cancer cases.

Laparoscopic Wertheim’s surgery involves the removal of the Fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, ovaries as well as nearby lymph nodes and the upper portion of the vagina. The tissues removed depend upon the surgeon and the reason for surgery.
For example, if a woman has cancer of the uterus and if there is a suspicion that cancer has spread there then we remove the entire ovary. In other cases, if a woman who has chronic bleeding problems treated with only a portion of the uterus being removed. So this surgery includes removal of uterus, fallopian tube, lymph depending on the disease and surgeon who handles the case.

Why need to do laparoscopic Wertheim:-

  • Fibroids: These tumors are not like cancer, but can cause pain, bleeding, cramping and discomfort.
  • Endometriosis: This is a condition where the tissue that lines the uterus begins to spread to areas outside of the uterus, causing pain, cramping, miscarriage, infertility and chronic bleeding.
  • Cancer: Cancer of the uterus or other areas of the female reproductive system may require a hysterectomy as part of treatment.
  • Chronic bleeding: Chronic bleeding can result from many different conditions that affect the uterus. Symptoms caused by chronic bleeding include anemia, weakness and chronic fatigue along with the worry and decrease in quality of life.
  • Chronic pain: Unexplained chronic pelvic pain is often the reason for a hysterectomy, especially when pain changes into extreme and unbearable. When the source of the pain cannot be isolated or is difficult to treat. We perform surgery in this case.


  • The benefits of minimal invasive surgery are less wound-related problems.
  • Increased patients comfort.
  • Less blood loss.
  • Short recovery time.

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