
Am I a candidate for bariatric surgery?

Eligibility for bariatric surgery is determined in part by what’s known as your body mass index, a numerical value of your weight in relation to your height. A BMI range of 18-24.9 is considered optimal. Morbid obesity is defined as a BMI score of 40 or more.

You typically qualify for bariatric surgery if you have a BMI of 35-39, with specific significant health problems like Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure. A BMI of 40 or higher also is a qualifying factor.

This BMI Calculator is designed for adults only and it is not accurate for all body types. To assess if your weight is within a healthy range for your body type, please attend one of our upcoming seminars.

Understand your BMI results

Use the chart below to see what category your BMI falls into, and whether you need to be concerned about your weight.


Below 18.5Underweight
18.5 – 24.9Healthy
25.0 – 29.9Overweight
30.0 – 39.9Obese
Over 40Morbidly obese

BMI is not always an accurate way to determine whether you need to lose weight. Here are some exceptions:

  • Body builders: Because muscle weighs more than fat, people who are unusually muscular may have a high BMI.
  • Elderly: In the elderly it is often better to have a BMI between 25 and 27, rather than under 25. If you are older than 65, for example, a slightly higher BMI may help protect you from osteoporosis.
  • Children: While an alarming number of children are obese, do not use this BMI calculator for evaluating a child. Talk to your pediatrician about the appropriate weight for your child’s age.

Doctors use a few different methods to determine whether you are overweight. Your doctor may also take your waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio into consideration.

In addition, a lot of other factors influence your health. These include:

  • Blood pressure
  • Blood sugar levels
  • Cholesterol levels
  • Diet
  • Physical activity
  • Smoking

Being overweight puts strain on your heart and can lead to serious health problems. These problems include:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Sleep apnea
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Varicose veins

Your BMI alone cannot predict your health risk, but most experts say that a BMI greater than 30 (obesity) is unhealthy. No matter what your BMI is, exercise can help reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Remember to always ask your doctor before starting an exercise program.

Bariatric treatment in Indore

How safe are bariatric surgeries?

Doctors don’t take bariatric surgeries lightly. They will be suggested only if the patient’s weight causes them to be at risk for illnesses. Most often, doctors will suggest a laproscopic bariatric surgery since it is minimally invasive. The actual procedure doesn’t take very long and the patient usually needs to stay in the hospital for only a couple of days.

In the long run, the benefits of weight loss surgery are many.

  • It helps in long-term weight loss.
  • Prevents excess weight gain
  • Reduces the risk of obesity-related diseases
  • Increases the life span of the patient
  • Improves the quality of life
  • Improves mental health

Bariatric surgery is the safest option available if you are morbidly obese and suffer from life-threatening illnesses due to your weight, and if all your attempts at losing weight have not worked. But, if you do decide to take this step towards bettering your quality of life, do your research and pick an experienced doctor and hospital. Talk to the doctor, get your questions and doubts answered and make sure that you are comfortable with your decision. Remember, this surgery is NOT for people who can reduce their weight by healthy eating and exercising.

Bariatric surgeon in indore

How do I prepare my body for bariatric surgery?

With the world being more aware of maintaining a healthy weight, medical sciences are coming up with advanced techniques. It is a good sign that more and more people want to maintain their fitness levels and lead a more healthy lifestyle. For some, they might have to take additional steps apart from diet and exercise to get back to their ideal BMI. Bariatric surgery is a great boon for those who are suffering from serious medical complications due to obesity or from being overweight. 

Bariatric surgery is a group of different surgical procedures. Depending upon where you are on your weight loss journey, your surgeon will suggest the most suited surgery for you. Irrespective of whatever surgery you have to undergo, there are certain preparatory steps that you have to follow. This blog will address “how to prepare your body for bariatric surgery” in the simplest ways possible. Please remember that bariatric surgery is just one stop in the journey towards a healthy life. Saying that numerous patients have benefited from the advantages offered by bariatric surgery, and they are now leading a healthy life. 

Develop healthy eating habits: Start to think about why you eat. Remember that Bariatric surgery is not going to alter your eating habits. If your reasons for eating more are boredom, stress, habit, emotions, you’ll still struggle with managing the head hunger. After the surgery, the quantity of food you consume will reduce, but it won’t change what you eat or why you eat. At least a month before the surgery, build a safe food environment to stop mindless eating. You can start developing habits like 

  1. Eating without distractions, i.e. do not eat while watching TV, laptops, iPad etc. eating while binge-watching makes you eat more since you are not focussed on your appetite.
  2. Serve the appropriate quantity of food on your plate and keep the containers off the table.
  3. Do not store canned and junk food at home.
  4. Find alternative ways to cope with stress like colouring, crocheting, or best get out of the house. 
  5. One of the most significant dietary changes after the surgery is to eat a protein-based small meal every three to four hours. So start consuming such a diet before the surgery, else transitioning into multiple mini-meals a day will be more challenging. 
  6. Eat on a schedule. Carry healthy snacks or a nutritious meal, fluid with you wherever you go so that you are not missing your schedule.
  7. Start practising eating slowly down and swallow after thorough chewing. Since the stomach is not mixing and churning the food as before, you have to chew the food very well. After surgery, there are fewer gastric acids and digestive enzymes in the digestive tract. 

Start an exercise regime for yourself: After the surgery, a regular workout is essential for the long-lasting results of a bariatric procedure. But if you are not used to regular exercise, it won’t be easy to jump out and start exercising suddenly. So start with simple things like going for a walk or running an errand. Then, join a gym or hire a personal trainer. They can help you stay motivated to stay on the workout plan. There are various exercise regimes that you can choose from. Try Yoga, Gym, Aerobics, Zumba etc., whichever interests you. Then, after the surgery, it becomes easy to continue on the same path.

No comparisons, please: Remember that weight loss is a very personal journey. No two people have the same results. The rate of losing weight also varies between individuals. So be careful as to whom you are validating yourself against. The best person to compare is yourself. Don’t compare yourself to others. Dietary habits, workout routines, metabolism, food absorption rates are very personal. The best person to consult in case of any doubts is your treating surgeon. 

Find a support system: Unlike other surgeries, weight loss surgery takes a while to show its effects. Therefore, it is highly advisable to find a support group or a motivating friend on this journey. Whenever you feel demotivated or start to lose focus, such a support system will be precious. You can also share your experiences and learn from fellow fitness enthusiasts.

Be regular in your follow-ups: It is essential to build a strong relationship with your bariatric team. Your bariatric team will help you design your diet and workout routine after the surgery. Since you are engaged with them even before the surgery, they will know your whole medical and lifestyle history. So after the surgery, they are best equipped to handle your queries, track your progress and make modifications accordingly. 

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